WTS Technologies launch Digital Growth Voucher Scheme at Life Centre in Bradford
Today the team from WTS Technologies are meeting local business people and letting them know about the Digital Growth Voucher scheme, and why they should sign up for it.
The Digital Growth Voucher allows businesses to access government digital technology funding, which could save 40% off the total cost of new digital solutions.

WTS Technologies launch Digital Growth Voucher Scheme at Life Centre in Bradford
Today the team from WTS Technologies are meeting local business people and letting them know about the Digital Growth Voucher scheme, and why they should sign up for it.
The Digital Growth Voucher allows businesses to access government digital technology funding, which could save 40% off the total cost of new digital solutions.
At the networking event at the Abundant Life Centre in Bradford, Steve and Alex are explaining how WTS Technologies can help local businesses access the funding, which has a value of up to £5,000.
For example, if your business commissions a new website at a total cost of £5000, then you could qualify for funding worth £2000 - 40% of the total value – with the £3000 balance provided by yourself.
Your business may qualify if it:
- is based in the Leeds/Bradford city region
- has fewer than 250 employees
- has annual turnover of below €50 million
- has an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43 million
- has received less than €200k (£185,000) of State Aid in the last 3 years
The WTS Technologies team be available all day today (September 28th) so do pop down to the Life Centre, Wapping Road, Bradford, BD3 0EQ and have a chat with us, to find out whether your business qualifies for the funding.
You can also complete an online form to find out whether your business qualifies and for more information on the scheme you can visit the Digital Enterprise website.
Alternatively you can call us anytime on 0113 204 7755, or complete our contact form for more information.