WTS Technologies - How to make your website work for your business

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How to make your website work for your business

There are many ways you can make your website more efficient for your business. Here at WTS Technologies we are always investing in new ways to make websites more accessible and responsive.

How to make your website work for your business

There are many ways you can make your website more efficient for your business. Here at WTS Technologies we are always investing in new ways to make websites more accessible and responsive.

Search-engine optimised

Your content needs to contain keywords that are regularly being searched in relation to your business. Customers or clients will use search engines and search for certain phrases or words in relation to your company and others like yours.

Google Analytics is a great way of tracking which phrases are the most effective. For example; if you run a hair salon in Dewsbury, in order to compete with your nearest competitors you need to have input a selection of words that future customers are likely to search when looking for a hair salon in Dewsbury. You might use phrases such as; ‘hair cuts in Dewsbury’, ‘hair salons in Wakefield’ or ‘Kirklees hair salons’.

A responsive site

Having a well-connected SEO site is one thing, but you must make sure it is responsive on all devices. Your website needs to work on mobiles (Android and iOS), as well as the more obvious laptops and computers. If the site can be used on any device, it means more people can access it which is always a good thing for your business.

Easy to read and navigate

A website with clear pages, menus, text, images and content is going to be used more often than one that is confusing to navigate. The easier and more suited to your business it is, the better for you.

Colourful and attractive

People won’t use a site that is dull or unattractive. Using design templates that suit your businesses style and character will impress consumers and keep them engaged. The design, text and images will make more people visit and use the site. Any images on your website should be professional, clear and appropriate to your business.

Use marketing effectively

Stay connected with your consumers and clients by marketing regularly, sending customer emails about current offers or new developments keeps you in their memory so they might use you again. If you regularly post to social media and show your followers what you are busy doing, they will stay engaged and become repeat customers. Social media is a powerful tool, so stay engaging and return messages or reply to comments made on your pages.

Easy to checkout

If you have a checkout process on your page, then make sure it is as easy as possible to use, make sure that icons are clear, and it doesn’t take too long to pay. If your site is not a purchasing page, then make sure your contact details are easy to see and access. The clearer and easier this is, the more purchases people will make, and the more potential sales you will make.

Show previous work and reviews

People like to ‘try before they buy’. Showcase your previous work on your site by having a portfolio and displaying any recent reviews. Any reviews or photos you have of your work means people can instantly see what you can do without having to ask you, so they instantly feel more at ease and willing to communicate with you.

Use your social media

Many people create a business social media account and never use it. This is simply wasting your time and effort, make sure your site synced to your social media profile, post weekly updates or articles and inform your followers of what you are creating right now.